Smarter is better


Prioritizing strategic learning, 'Smarter is better' encourages students to embrace critical thinking, adaptability, and efficient study methods for quality learning outcomes, surpassing mere effort.


A learning adventure in vibrant Phuket! Discover the excitement of our dynamic learning environment. Explore with us – where learning meets exhilaration!

Join us to unravel the essence of our unique educational space!

We provide the following for each student.

A Great & Comfortable Learning Environment

Our learning Pod is non of the ordinary, creating the perfect space for learning and substantial progress.

Students and teachers engage freely, creating a daily dynamic of shared learning experience and growth, motivating a continuous exchange of knowledge.

Amazing Educated Teachers

Our dedicated team of teachers are not only passionate, experienced, and committed, but they bring a wealth of knowledge to the learning experience.

Each carefully selected for their expertise and enthusiasm, ensuring that our students receive the highest quality education. At the core of our institution, our teachers encourage an environment that inspires curiosity, critical thinking, and a love for learning.

Thrilling Extracurricular activities

Our Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs), enhancement program go beyond the ordinary, offering a diverse range of options, including swimming, dancing, soccer, Jiu jitsu and chess.

Enhance your learning experience with activities that promote skill development, well-being, and community engagement.

Our Goals

The primary objective of Pinnacle International Academy, is to establish a learning environment that inspire academic achievement, personal growth, and social development. We aspire to maintain high educational standards, ensuring that students are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for success.

In addition, we emphasize the importance of collaboration and teamwork, encouraging students to engage in extracurricular activities that enhance their leadership and interpersonal skills. We are dedicated to creating a safe and inclusive space where diversity is celebrated, and every student feels valued.

Through a combination of rigorous academics and a supportive community, we strive to prepare students not only for their immediate educational goals but also for a lifetime of continuous learning and meaningful contributions to society.

We prioritize your child's interests and tailor our teaching approaches to guarantee the utmost quality in their education.

The atmosphere is welcoming. This institution stands out with our friendly staff and service to secure a top-notch education.

If you have comments/questions or would love a tour, contact us now.

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